This story teaches children the meaning behind common Christmas symbols. It is a beloved family Christmas tradition at our house and we hope you love it too.
I heard a story shared at a Christmas concert several years ago that taught the meaning behind common Christmas symbols. I loved it so much that I searched online to find a copy. Maybe you’ve heard it before. It goes like this:
Just last Monday night I had a strange visitor.
This is how it happened. I had just finished the household chores for the night
and was preparing to go to bed when I heard a noise in the front of the house.
I opened the door of the front room, and to my surprise, a special visitor
stepped out from behind the Christmas tree.
He placed his fingers over his lips so I would not cry out. “What are you
doing?” I started to ask, but the words choked up in my throat as I saw
that he had tears in his eyes. He then answered me with the simple statement: “Teach
the children.”
I was puzzled. What did he mean? He anticipated my question and with one quick
movement, brought a miniature toy bag from behind the tree. As I stood there in
my night shirt bewildered, the visitor said again, “Teach the
My perplexed expression still showed in the near darkness.
“Teach them the old meaning of Christmas—the meaning that Christmas nowadays
has been forgotten.”
I started to say, “How can I?” when the visitor reached into the
toy bag and pulled out a brilliant shiny star. “Teach the children the star was the heavenly sign of promise
long ago. God promised a Savior for the world and a sign of the fulfilment of
his promise. The countless shining stars at night now show the
burning hope of all mankind.”
The visitor in the story goes on to explain the meaning behind other common Christmas symbols.
Each year, I read this story to my young children. I have a little drawstring bag filled with the symbols, just like in the story.
As I read about each symbol, I pull it out of the bag and let the kids hold it.
To do this activity with your own family, gather the following items:
- Star
- Red Christmas Ornament
- Pine Tree
- Bell
- Candle
- Bow
- Candy Cane
- Wreath
Put all of the items into a fabric bag or sack of some sort, then download and print out the story below.
As you get to each new symbol in the story, reach into the bag and pull out the object and let the children hold it.
I love this little tradition. Last year, my kids would remind me of what each symbol meant every time we saw them around town. It is so easy to get focused on Santa and presents and dance recitals and parties, that this is just one more way that we try to remember Christ at Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
Comments & Reviews
I was unable to view the google document – but I'm very interested!
I had something set up wrong, but it should be fixed now. Thanks for the heads up!
I was wondering where you bought all the pieces? Especially the bag! I keep looking for one and I cannot find one any where. I have a limited budget for 14 girls. If you could help me out by telling me the best place to buy stuff it would be very appreciated.
I didn't buy any of it. It was all stuff I had around the house! So I'm not sure I'm going to be very helpful. I sewed the bag. But I'm guessing you could find most everything at craft stores or the dollar store. Good luck!
I have bought miniatures from Michael’s and a red bag there too.
this year I am going to try to make an interactive book.
I so love this!! I am always looking for ways to show the lil ones the true meaning behind Christmas..thanks so much!