Learn how to paint a plaid or buffalo check design onto a pumpkin.
Plaid and buffalo check are all the rage this season. The cozy design is popping up in fashion, home decor and even crafting, so I decided that I needed to try painting a pumpkin with a plaid design.
Painting a plaid design onto a pumpkin is easier than you might think. In fact, it only takes four steps to paint a buffalo check plaid design! I’ve created a short video tutorial to show you exactly how to paint a plaid pumpkin.
Plaid Painted Pumpkin Video Tutorial
Materials Needed:
- Pumpkin
- White Craft Paint
- Light Craft Paint
- Dark Craft Paint
- Square Tip Paint Brush
You can use either a real or fake pumpkin. If you use a real pumpkin, just wipe it down really well before applying the paint to make sure it’s clean, otherwise the paint might not stick very well.
You can choose any color of paint for the light and dark paints… light pink and dark pink, light orange and dark orange… anything! Just choose two colors in a light and dark shade and it will give you the plaid/buffalo check/gingham effect.
I used Decoart Americana paint for this project. I linked to Amazon so you could see what the bottles look like, but it’s much cheaper to buy the paint from your local craft store.
Four steps to painting a plaid pumpkin:
- Paint a white base coat onto the pumpkin.
- Paint horizontal stripes evenly around the pumpkin.
- Paint vertical stripes evenly around the pumpkin.
- Using a darker paint color, fill in the squares where the horizontal and vertical lines meet.
That’s it! I would never have guessed that painting a plaid design was so easy, would you? You can use this technique on all sorts of projects, not just pumpkins. Make a hand-painted plaid sign, paint mason jars or wine bottles with plaid… so many possibilities!
Looking for more great ways to paint a pumpkin? Check out this mega collection of pumpkin painting inspiration!
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