I am shocked. I thought this would fail miserably. Who knew the microwave could deliver? Not me, that’s for sure!
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Comments & Reviews
The same thing can be done with tortillas to make chips.
No way! I am totally going to try that! Thanks for the tip, Nancy!
Oh my, I was obsessed with these a few years ago. I partially wanted healthy chips but was also interested in making my own flavors! I even bought this so I could fit more of them in the microwave at once ~ http://www.amazon.com/niceeshop-Microwave-Potato-Vegetable-Slicer/dp/B00FEDI9ZQ/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1391082599&sr=8-7&keywords=chip+microwave
Unfortunately the microwave at our old place did not have a turntable and it was too hard to get even cooking. But our new place does, and just yesterday I was looking at our giant bag of leftover potatoes, thinking I should start making chips again, haha!
Love it! I get obsessed with things too. I go through phases of what the obsession is, but yeah. I do it with food and crafts. I could eat the same thing for lunch every day for six months. I sew like a crazy person, then get obsessed with knitting or quilting or scrapbooking. I guess I'm just an "all in" kind of person. I love that you even bought a special plate for it! Girl, I think we are kindred spirits. 🙂
Haha, that does sound like me. I just got into bento and it is all I can think about lately. My husband is very patient as I talk his ear off about it. 🙂
Yum! We did end up making some this week and it worked so much easier with the turntable microwave.
Btw, I think you can take them out as soon as they started getting a brown spot. Don't worry if they still seem a little soft, just let them sit a minute and they crisp up as they cool.
Can you make these in the oven instead of a microwave? We don't own a microwave anymore.
Definitely! It will just take longer.
I sliced mine with a vegetable peeler and it seemed to work well with small potatoes.
That's a brilliant tip! Thanks for sharing!