Welcome to Pinterest Tested! Ever wonder if that miracle cleaner is really miraculous? Or what about that homemade facial cleanser or delicious-looking recipe? This is the place to find out! Each Monday I am testing Pins that catch my eye to see if they really live up to the claims made on Pinterest. It’s like the Mythbusters of Domesticity!
No, friends, I have not given up on Pinterest Tested! We have been dealing with Internet issues at home recently and it has really thrown me off my game. Sorry about skipping the last two weeks. But now I’m back with more tests!
You may have seen this week’s PIN:
THE TEST: Will this genius little contraption help my toddler wash his hands on his own? How hard is it to make?
My little toddler has a hard time washing his own hands. He has to stand on a stool and then climb up and hang from his belly over the edge of the counter to reach the water. It does not look comfortable at all! So when I saw this Pin, I was interested.
First, here’s a look at what mine looks like:
I used an exacto knife to cut off the narrow lid and make the channel for the water. The plastic around the lid was thicker, so it was a little harder to cut through, but this project was easy. It took me about five minutes to make. Five minutes!
One of the concerns I had with this idea was that my toddler would still have a hard time turning the water on and off. He still has to belly hang while he turns the knobs, but then he can slide down and just stand on the stool. He really likes this new contraption. In fact, if there was a negative to this project, that would be it… he wants to play in the water all day because he can actually reach it!
THE RESULTS: A smashing success!
When my husband saw what I had made, he was very impressed with my genius. I should have just let him think I am the brilliant mind behind this idea instead of blurting out, “Oh, I saw it on Pinterest!” Oh, well… I learned my lesson for next time!
Comments & Reviews
I loved your Pinterest Tested category a lot,would love reading it every Monday!
Enjoy Teaching English
Hello there! Thank you for your blog; it is really useful and enjoyable to read. I especially love the Pinterest tested parts. I often wonder if some of the things are too good to be true and "plan" to test them myself one day. Thank goodness for you I can find out before I waste my time and money!
I had to laugh when you told your husband excitedly that you saw the idea on Pinterest and lost some of his enthusiasm for your cleverness. I've been experiencing some Pinterest "backlash" of late too! Always been crafty and clever; the go-to girl in my circle for ideas, craft projects, last minute raffle packages, gift wrap and party decor, ways to recycle/repurpose or spruce things up, etc. Now all of a sudden when I make something I get a less and enthusiastic, "Oh. Did you get that from Pinterest?" comment instead of the old, "That's so clever!" A) apparently since Pinterest came along my friends no longer think I'm capable of an original idea; and b) making things, excuse me, making things WELL either directly or inspired by things I've seen online (including Pinterest) still takes craftiness, cleverness and skill! Hmph!
Ditto!! I did know how to craft, bake, sew, and be generally creative way before pinterest was born! What bugs, People?!
I stumbled upon your blog today, and I must say, I am really enjoying reading your post archives. The "pinterest tested" section is especially great. I love it!
If you ever need an assistant tester, I'd be happy to write an occasional guest post on the topic 🙂
Oh – this is a great idea. I will be sure to try this out for my niece and nephew who always have trouble washing their hands when they visit me.
I've seen this pin on Pinterest before and I really, REALLY want to make it. However, I'm intimidated by the actual cutting. If you mess it up, you have to wait until another bottle is empty to start over…by then my kid will be able to reach by herself. So any tips for knowing where to cut? I'm mostly concerned with cutting the end that has to go over the faucet. How to you cut it so it can get on, but not have it fall off?
Don't worry. You can totally do this! The key is to start small. Use a really sharp utility knife and cut it smaller than you think you need. Then cut a little bit, try it on, cut a little more, try it on until it's snug enough to stay on but loose enough that you can get it off.
And if for some reason you totally mess up, you could always get a bottle of something from the dollar store, dump it out, and use THAT bottle.
Go for it!
Thank you, just made one and save $8-13.
Love it
I'm wondering how sharp the cut bottle is? Should I be concerned about that?
You can use regular sandpaper to smooth out any rough parts. Also make sure to cut the shape with curved lines instead of corners and you should be good! Thanks for stopping by!
Great idea!! My son can almost reach but not quite and it's so awkward!!
I hear ya!