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Comments & Reviews
I'm totally going to use some of these for my big new empty neglected deck. I'm not looking forward to refinishing it, but it could be totally gorgeous!
Must-haves? A big comfy something to sit in and read! With sun cover because I burn easier than my baby.
And an edible garden planter (I'm still experimenting with this myself). SO much fun to put the edible plants together in a nice looking pot and have it sitting there not only looking pretty, but you can EAT it! My toddler loves our berry plants and the spinach/kale/chive/other random herb ones too. He's always sneaking bites of EVERYTHING.
I noticed while I was out there at dinner time that there's a great tree that shades the patio each evening. Hurray! (PS I burn easily too!)
I totally see the potential in that metal table!! Can't wait to see the "after" shot!
I painted it today and it turned out AWESOME! Just need to find my staple gun so I can finish up the seats and then I'll share photos. So excited!