If you’ve followed along with me very long, it’s no secret that I LOVE cleaning with vinegar. I use it all the time.
I use vinegar to clean the tub.
I use vinegar in my laundry.
I use vinegar to shine my sink.
I use vinegar to remove hard water build-up from dishes.
I use vinegar to clean my microwave.
I’ve even used vinegar to remove gum from clothing.
I told you, I use vinegar A LOT!
So today I want to introduce you to Four Monks Cleaning Vinegar. It’s a great new cleaning vinegar that comes in a spray bottle!
I love this stuff. It’s 20% more concentrated than regular vinegar, which means better results. It’s also non-toxic so I can give my older kids the bottle and let them clean without worrying they might poison themselves.
Want to see my latest vinegar cleaning miracle?
One of our basement windows had gotten really cloudy. Look how bad:
I sprayed it with Four Monks vinegar, let it sit for an hour, then came back and sprayed it again and started scrubbing with a rag. All that crusted on white stuff disappeared! Check out the difference!
My two year old got a stomach bug this week, which means I’ve been cleaning barf off of many different surfaces around the house since two year olds have no sense of aim. Sigh. Vinegar to the rescue! It’s so good at getting rid of nasty smells. I’ve sprayed it on our carpet, our leather couch, the walls, and in the laundry. So. Much. Laundry.
To learn more about Four Monks Cleaning Vinegar and to get a coupon, visit www.fourmonksclean.com.
For more tips on cleaning with vinegar, check out www.vinegartips.com.
Thank you, Four Monks for sending me your great product!
Comments & Reviews
Just wondering if you purchase this four monks cleaner from their site or if you have a good place you go to get it cheaper.
I haven't seen it in stores locally, but if I do, I'll let you know. They do have a coupon on their website.
Do you have a picture with the window closed?
I'm not sure what you mean. The window is closed.
Yes so true the window looks open and the other side still looks clowdy wow what a sca!!
What value is there for me in trying to scam people? The window is closed, the post IS what it seems and everyone needs to take a chill pill.