Crafts, Home Decor, DIY's and Recipes
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Comments & Reviews
Love the chevron!
Very nice, you might notice the flaws but no one else will & it'll be well loved I am sure!!
It's gorgeous, flaws and all!…lol
Love it! What size did you make your triangles?
Perfect analogy! I love being pregnant, I love quilting. I am way better at making babies than quilting, but I cherish the time spent doing either 🙂
Michelle, you are a kindred spirit!
Hi! I am dying to make a quilt like this for my son… Would you mind sharing the size of the overall quilt and the size of triangles you used?
Hi Trisha,
Unfortunately, I gave this quilt as a gift, so I can't measure it. However, if I remember right, the triangles were about 7 inches and the finished quilt was a good sized baby quilt. Sorry I can't be more helpful!
How much of each fabric did you require half a yard of each ? just to give me a idea ofow much I would require to make something as beautiful as yours 🙂
I used seven different fabrics for the triangles and bought 1/2 yard of each. I also bought fabric for the binding and backing. Does that answer your question?
How did you figure out the pattern for colors? Whenever I try making a triangle quilt my biggest obstacle is figuring out where to put each color.
I lay out all of the squares on the floor, then rearrange them over and over and over until nothing bugs me. It’s not a very scientific approach, but it’s what works for me. I agree though… it’s really hard to achieve a “random” pattern!
I was wondering if there is a pattern for this or how you did it?
I’m sorry, I don’t have a pattern. If you Google “triangle quilt” I’m sure you can find a tutorial.
how big are your triangles? i LOVE the colors you used!
It’s been a few years since I made it, but I think the triangles are about 7 inches on each side.